Create associations with code that is already committed

At any time after a code commit is made, you can associate the code commit with other CollabNet TeamForge items, such as tasks, integrated application objects or documents.

  1. Click SOURCE CODE from the Project Home menu.
  2. On The list of project repositories, select the repository containing the code commit with which you want to create an association.
  3. Click View Commits.
  4. On the Repository Details page, click the name of the commit with which you want to create an association.
  5. On the Commit Details page, click the ASSOCIATIONS tab.
  6. On the list of existing associations, click Add.
  7. In the Add Association Wizard window, select the items with which you want to associate the artifact:
    • ENTER ITEM ID - If you know the item's ID, you can enter it directly.
      • To associate an object in an integrated application from within TeamForge, use the [<prefix_objectid>] format. Successful associations appear hyperlinked.
      • Each integrated application displays its prefix on moving the mouse over the application name in the tool bar.
    • ADD FROM RECENTLY VIEWED - Select one of the last ten items you looked at during this session.
    • ADD FROM RECENTLY EDITED - Select one of the last ten items you changed.
  8. Click Next.
  9. You may add a comment in the ASSOCIATION COMMENT text box.
  10. Save your work.
    • Click Finish and Add Another to add additional associations.
    • Click Finish to return to the Details page.
    Note: When you commit files to your source code repository, a source code commit notification mail is sent to users who are monitoring that source code repository.

    An option is provided at site level and user level to make sure whether the notification mail has to be sent or not. For more information on this, see Configure your site's settings.

  11. Click the Associations tab to view a graphical representation of all the associated items. Through the Association Viewer, you can choose to view associations in the form of a list or flip over to the Trace view to explore the layers of associations (including parent/child dependencies) laid out in a timeline. You can scroll across the Trace view by dragging the mouse over the association layer or use the 'Previous' and 'Next' arrows to view all the objects as events in a timeline.

    While the Associations tab shows the count of the total number of associations, you can only view the most recent 500 associations when you click the Associations tab in case the artifact has more than 500 associations. You can, however, browse through the Association Viewer to view older associations.

    You can click on each node on the graphical association viewer to filter and display the associated items in the table below the association viewer thus matching the number of associations provided on the selected node. For example, if the node that you select for filtering is having two associations on it, the table displays the two associated items as a result of the filtering process.